Facility Management

First Impressions – You only have one chance to make a first impression. That is certainly true about your facility. That first impression can be a significant factor in a visitor’s initial perception of your church. Faith Financial will work with you to identify areas that need attention. It may come at a cost, but the cost of not making a good first impression can be even higher.

Repairs and Maintenance – Everything lasts longer when it is properly maintained. Faith Financial will work with you to create a systematic maintenance schedule for your equipment, building and grounds. We will show you how you can mimimize those expenses and make them part of the budgeting process.

Scheduling – Scheduling the use of your facility can be challenging. When event needs and room availability fall through the cracks it creates problems. Faith Financial will work with you to develop a scheduling system to prevent overlaps in facility use and maximize how your facility is being used.

Care for Volunteers - When ministry volunteers spend excessive time setting up, tearing down or cleaning up after events it can result in burn out and volunteer turnover. That is not only an inefficient use of their time, but you may risk losing valuable volunteers. Faith Financial will work with your organization to implement steps that give ministry volunteers more time to do ministry.

Facility Volunteer Recruitment – When volunteers who care for your facility have a genuine sense of mission about what they contribute to the ministry of your church, recruiting and keeping those volunteers becomes easier. Faith Financial will help you instill that sense of mission and value in your facility volunteers.