Financial Management

Budgets - We understand that a good budget reflects the priorities of the church. Mission and vision statements are great but the proof of those is in the budget. Faith Financial can help project the cost of people’s vision against the harsh reality of the dollars that are likely to be available.

We will help your church write a budget that reflects the priorities of the frontline ministers. It should give those staff and volunteers the freedom to go and do what God has given them a passion to do.

Faith Financial will help your church budget to include allowances for the unexpected. Our goal is to create a realistic document that will allow the church to come out in the black at the end of the fiscal year.

Project Budgets - Whether for a project as large as a new building or as small as a special event, you can be confident the budgets we create will show the true cost of the project - with no surprises.  When a project must be completed on time and within budget, Faith Financial will see to all the details, allowing your volunteers to serve in their areas of greatest strength.

Month-End Close - Month-End reports and year-to-date reports should be clear, easy to understand and give you accurate information to track your finances. Faith Financial will develop a system that is accurate and efficient.

Year-End Close - To plan for the future, you must know the sources of the year's income and how it was spent.  Faith Financial will help you ceate reports that are accurate and complete as well as create a list of document retention requirements.

Financial Controls - When appropriate financial controls are not practiced, you are open to the risk of theft, fraud, and undocumented expenditures.  Faith Financial will help your organization implement a system of controls that will give you the confidence that all reporting is accurate and complete.