
Compensation – Salary and hourly pay rates are only part of the cost of employee compensation. Faith Financial will help you understand trends in compensation and can give you the tools to help employees understand the true cost to the employer for their employment.

Benefits - A good benefits program helps retain employees. Faith Financial will work with licensed providers as a project manager to find the best benefits value for your organization and employees. Because we work with churches, we may be able to identify additional areas of savings.

Handbook – When personnel policies are well documented, it is less likely there will be misunderstanding or confusion about personnel issues. A good employee handbook offers the best legal protection in case of a lawsuit. Faith Financial will work with you to write or update your handbook of personnel policies

Policies and Procedures – When the policies and procedures managing the finances and administration of your church are easy to understand and cover all the necessary issues, these important areas in the life of your church will run more smoothly and with less stress and uncertainty. Faith Financial will work with your organization to create policies and procedures that work for you to meet your unique needs and help protect you from liability.